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Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


Title VI Notice of Protection Against Discrimination

Fulton County Transit Authority operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin. To request or receive additional information on its discrimination obligations, including its complaint procedures, please contact the person listed below:

Fulton County Transit Authority
PO Box 1601
Fulton, KY 42041

Telephone: 270-472-0662

Email Address:


To file a discrimination complaint, the written complaint must be filed to the address above within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. To accommodate limited English proficient individuals, oral complaints to be documented and/or translated may also be given at the above address. Written complaints may also be filed with the U. S. Department of Transportation/Federal Transit Administration (FTA) no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by FTA.


For more information, you can read the Title VI Notice to Beneficiaries. Those needing the Title VI Notice to Beneficiaries in Spanish may click here.


ADA Paratransit eligibility determination process will be made through self-certification with professional verification as needed. Persons with temporary disabilities may be considered ADA Paratransit eligible through in person assessment. An application is considered complete once the person has provided all of the information required. Applicants will be notified in writing of the initial notification determination of eligibility. Determination of non-eligibility must state the reasons for the finding. Individuals are permitted to request an appeal within 60 days of the initial eligibility decision. Applicants are granted presumptive eligibility if a determination has not been made within 21 calendar days of the submission of a completed application or 30 days of an appeal. FCTA may require individuals periodically reapply for ADA Paratransit eligibility determination every 2 -5 years.  ADA Paratransit Service Hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. Contact for ADA Paratransit Suspension - Executive Director Kevin Kelley - at 270-472-0662.


Complementary Paratransit service will be provided to visitors outside of this region if these individuals have been certified as "ADA Paratransit Eligible" by any public entity. Certification will be honored for up to 21 days of Paratransit service. Paratransit service will be provided by a personal care attendant (PCA) traveling with an eligible rider. In addition to a PCA, that service will be provided to one (1) companion accompanying an eligible rider. Companions must be charged the same fare as the eligible rider and the PCA must ride free.

No-Show Suspension Policy - FCTA may suspend Paratransit service to those persons who establish a pattern of practice of missing scheduled rides. Before service can be suspended under this provision, individuals will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed suspension.


Fulton County Transit Authority (FCTA)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy Statement


It is the policy of FCTA to make every attempt to ensure that DBE firms have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in all contracting opportunities. FCTA efforts are intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the solicitation, award, and administration of all contracts.














FCTA will be closed on the following holidays:

New Year's Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day


Black Friday

Christmas Eve


Services will be closed when roads are hazardous. FCTA resumes service as roads are cleared.


Our main office is located at 302 Eastwood Drive Fulton, Kentucky. 

FCTA also has an office at 3414 State Highway 45 North in Mayfield that is utilized mostly by Drivers to eat lunch, work on paperwork, and complete other tasks during their workday in the area. Some Drivers begin their workday there now.


Applications to become a FCTA Driver may be picked up at either office in Fulton or Mayfield 

In order to mail something to FCTA, please use P.O. Box 1601, Fulton, Kentucky 42041

Operaring horas

8 am hasta las 4 pm Lunes Viernes. demócratay el horario de transporte de Response es actualmente de 9 a. m. a 4 p. m. De lunes a viernes.UNEDEl vestíbulo delantero está abierto de 8 a. m. a 4 p. m. Tiene una entrada accesible según la ADA.

Cierres de vacaciones

Días festivos observados por la FCTA

(Las oficinas estarán cerradas. Solo se realizarán viajes médicos limitados).

* Día de Año Nuevo

* Día Conmemorativo

* Día de la Independencia

* Día laboral

* Día de Gracias

* Viernes Negro

* Nochebuena

* Día de Navidad

Igualdad de oportunidadesEmpleador/Acción Afirmativa

La Autoridad de Tránsito del Condado de Fulton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y prohíbe la discriminación y el acoso de cualquier tipo: La Autoridad de Tránsito del Condado de Fulton está comprometida con el principio de igualdad de oportunidades laborales para todos los empleados y con brindarles un ambiente de trabajo libre de discriminación y acoso.  Todas las decisiones laborales en la Autoridad de Tránsito del Condado de Fulton se basan en las necesidades comerciales, los requisitos laborales y las calificaciones individuales, sin distinción de raza, color, religión o creencia, origen nacional, social o étnico, sexo (incluido el embarazo), edad, estado físico, discapacidad mental o sensorial, estado de VIH, orientación sexual, identidad y/o expresión de género, estado civil, unión civil o pareja de hecho, servicio militar pasado o presente, historial médico familiar o información genética, estado familiar o parental, o cualquier otro estado protegido por las leyes o regulaciones en los lugares donde operamos. La Autoridad de Tránsito del Condado de Fulton no tolerará la discriminación o el acoso basado en cualquiera de estas características. FCTA alienta a los solicitantes de todas las edades.


270-472-0662 (Número principal) Escuche el menú de la extensión.sion número de la persona a la que llama.

270-472-0668 (Fax)

844-575-9676 (GRANOS)

Servicio de retransmisión TTY/KY: marque 711

Contacto con el webmaster:

Esta publicación también está disponible en formatos alternativos.

Para obtener información sobre solicitudes de LEP o modificaciones/adaptaciones razonables, comuníquese con el director ejecutivo de la FCTA, Kevin Kelley, al 270-472-0662.

AVISO DE MAL TIEMPO - Los servicios permanecerán cerrados cuando las vías sean peligrosas. FCTA reanuda el servicio a medida que se despejan las carreteras. Esté atento a las publicaciones sobre inclemencias del tiempo en este sitio, así como en la página de Facebook de la FCTA.

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